Monday, November 30, 2009

Where have you seen Jesus lately?

So this morning the news tells me that four cops were shot in my area. News also says some lady discovered Jesus on the face of her iron. So we've seen Jesus in a cheese sandwich, in a rock, on the bathroom wall, and now in an iron. In the first place, why is this "news" on the same page as four policemen being slaughtered while sipping morning coffee? Second, if Jesus is going to appear, why is it going to be on this woman's appliances, or that guy's cheese sandwich? I wonder how much she's going to sell it for on e-bay. I'll tell you something - I see Jesus every day. I see it in my kids faces when we're talking and laughing. I see it in the kindness of strangers and neighbors alike. I see it in the miracle of a happy marriage 16 years in. And I see it in the support of a community for the unfortunate family members of the brutal and meaningless crime against those who serve us daily far beyond the worth of their paycheck.

The miracle is not in your starch stain, sister, it is in the good that you do and is done for you every single day despite the challenges we face. The knowlege that our Savior lives and knows us and loves us is what inspires us to live as He lived, and that, my friends, is what matters. Now go clean your iron before you stain your husband's Sunday service shirt.