Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Psychology of Pants

Our washing machine has been broken for 5 weeks, so yesterday we took yet another trip the the laundromat. Actually, my husband dropped the kids and me off at the mall while he went to the laundromat (I shouldn't take credit for that, should I?). The weekend before most schools in the area were to start....you know it's going to be crowded at the mall.

So if you want to be schooled in the art of modern fashion, go to the mall. You'll get your education. Used to be that girls were the ones who fussed over "what to wear today" - but clearly, there's a movement on the rise for boys' pants not to be. On the rise, I mean.

Okay so granted, with the rap movement came low riders, I get it. But folks, we have moved on to a whole new statement - the boys are now donning Colored Straight Leg Very Tight Jeans (red, green, puce, etc) Cinched Around Just Below The Butt Cheek Line With A Phat Belt, With The Bottom Of The Shirt Just above the Bootie Crack with (thank goodness) Boxers In The Middle.

Yes, folks. We're getting to the bottom of things, and it's not pretty.

I offered my kids a $20 to approach any butt baring bad boy and whisper to them that we can see their bottoms. Now mind you my kids are money hungry, and will sit out on a street corner for an entire Saturday selling (or not selling, as it were) soda crackers and fruit punch, but they refused my generous offer. I asked them what they would give me if I would drop my pants around my ankles and approach said pack of boys and ask them 'whazzup.' My children started to cry.

All I gotta say is, if I ever see my kids' underwear it had better be at the laundromat. Not at the mall.


Katie & Matt said...

I hear ya there... I have entered this dreaded zone with my oldest. She is in high school and I reflect on my days of members-only jackets and leg warmers. She has the skinny leg jeans, but thank goodness she is not into sagging; that would not even be allowed. But, yes the styles of "today" tend to leave much to be desired.

Em said...

I would pay you $20 to drop those drawers and have a conversation! I'm not quite getting the skinny jeans for men, but I do see it all over town here. All I can say is school uniforms... love them.